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How Procrastinatination Ruins Your Life

Fight Procrastination ASAP!

In the next 3 minutes, you will learn about the research on the consequences of procrastination.

You will be surprised by how much of an impact this bad habit has on your:

  • Achievement

  • Finances

  • Happiness

  • Health

Let’s dive in.

Do you ever find yourself putting off important tasks?

Do you tell yourself “I will feel more like doing this tomorrow” or “I work better under pressure”?

Do you needlessly and voluntarily delay actions you know you should take?

If so, you are a procrastinator.

That makes you one of the very people who need to read this article.

A Common Problem

The good news is you aren’t alone with your problem. Procrastination is incredibly common.

Let’s take a look at the statistics:

  • 20% of adults are chronic procrastinators.

  • Among college students, this number goes up to a whopping 50%.

  • Almost all students procrastinate to some extent.

But there’s also bad news.

The Ugly Consequences of Procrastination

The research on procrastination paints a clear picture:

It is bad for you. Really Bad.

Your habit of putting things off is likely to impact not only your performance on the task you put off. It goes a lot deeper than this.

The proven consequences of a procrastination habit include:

  • You achieve less in life.

  • You earn less money.

  • Your emotional well-being suffers.

  • Procrastination might make you sick.

Let’s look at how procrastination messes up all these areas of your life.

You will be shocked…

Lower Achievement

Research by Piers Steel (University of Calgary) speaks a clear language:

Procrastination is never beneficial and almost always detrimental to your performance.

The explanation for this is straightforward. You waste precious time putting the thing you should do off. So, you’re left with less time to do a good job.

As a result, you perform worse.

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Financial Impact

This one will hurt but it’s true:

Procrastination costs you a ton of money throughout your career. Here’s what a study found out:

The researchers ranked people's tendency to procrastinate on a scale of 1 to 5. They found a significant impact of procrastination on income:

A single-point increase on this procrastination scale was associated with a $15,000 decrease in annual salary.

Procrastination reduces your performance at work. And it will show in your bank account.

But it gets even worse...

Decreased Happiness

Most likely, your happiness also suffers from your habit of procrastinating.

A survey showed that this is the case for 94% of procrastinators, and 18% stated that this effect is extremely negative.

The constant feeling of guilt and stress that comes with procrastinating takes its toll.

Health Issues

As if all these consequences were not enough, procrastination makes you sick as well.

As research from Bishops University in Quebec shows, procrastination is detrimental to health.

There are two reasons for that:

  • The stress that procrastinators feel weakens their immune system.

  • Many procrastinators put off health behaviors, such as eating well, exercising, or seeing the doctor.

TiTime to tackle procrastination

You see, procrastination harms you in multiple ways.

But I think the problem goes even deeper than this.

As a procrastinator, you are your own worst enemy. You are putting off your goals, sabotaging your success.

On top of that you are wasting your most finite resource: your time.

Let’s face it: every one of us has a limited amount of time on this planet. Every minute you waste is gone forever. The clock keeps ticking.

So what are you waiting for?